Year-long Mentorship + Certification + Facilitator Training - begin today

Though this is my 4th time hosting a year-long mentorship, certification and facilitator training, it was always invite only for selected clients, now for the first time, I publicly present this life-changing opportunity and you’re invited!

What inspired me to create a mentorship program and facilitator training back in 2018 was because when clients went through my signature programs they couldn’t help but want to share the unique methods they were learning with others because of the incredible results and transformations they were experiencing themselves.

As an intuitive and psychic guide, I see your highest timeline and potential, and I hold you in the vision of that as you rise to embody it during our time together and beyond.

I am NOT just here to be your biggest cheerleader and hold the vision of you embodied as your highest potential, living your greatest success in love, life and business… I go into the trenches with you to discover and reflect what's holding you back from your next level.

We do the deepest transformational work by facing your shadows, triggers, wounds, wobbles and fears to heal, transmute, and rise above them to realize your next level.

As a healer, we (together) heal and integrate any aspects of sabotage, indecision, playing it safe, keeping yourself small, stuck or hidden, preventing that next level success.

As an energy strategist, we reclaim your power and upgrade, realign and amplify your energy to your divine blueprint so that everything flows with more ease and grace.

As a multidimensional activator, we awaken dormant parts of your soul and DNA with light language and guided experiences to bring more of the TRUE you fully online as the powerful creator that you are.

As a coach, in our conversations you receive insight and clarity for inspired, bold action and you easily (and excitedly) take the next best steps for the level of success you know you're destined for.

As a teacher of many lineages, you receive the initiation and the rites of passage into life-changing methods and modalities that you can access and use on demand for yourself and others to show up to life feeling your best.

As a mentor doing this work for 12 years, I've worked with countless clients to move the needle and break through ceilings to reach the levels of success desired and beyond.

I invite you into my next year-long group mentorship!

 It will absolutely activate you into your next level.

No matter how many mentors you've worked with, I guarantee this work will uplevel and transform you in ways beyond your expectations. 

The two photos above are a trip down memory lane to the first year-long mentorship + certification training I co-hosted in Los Angeles in person in 2018. Since then I have been offering them online including the upcoming one so that it can reach more people across the globe and we already have people in the US, Europe & Asia timezones.

It’s always such a fun and joyful experience and I am always happy to attract in an eclectic group of diverse people.

In this group we had someone who worked at Google, a housewife, a nurse, people already working full time in the healing arts and those transitioning into it more full time from corporate. And some of the corporate and freelancers had no intention of turning what they were learning into work, they were just there for the personal development which by default created professional growth no matter their field of work.

That’s the power of diving deeper into yourself through various modalities to a level you know it so well you could teach it.

Are you called to become the best version of yourself?

That’s the power of mentorship to have the gift of someone holding you in your highest potential and offering guidance from that intuitive space as you grow yours more powerfully.

Are you ready to allow yourself to be more visible for greater impact and reach sharing your gifts with the world no matter what your work is so that you can truly spread your wings and fly?

When we do the spiritual healing work everything about our life enhances, we don’t even have to try.

Are you ready to receive all the love, abundance, success and goodness this life wants to bless you with?

I am thrilled to be offering my 4th year-long group online mentorship with weekly meetings, all the rituals, healings, connections and an in person retreat in Ibiza

If you’re wondering if this mentorship program would be a game-changer for you, do you resonate with ANY of the following:
(Even just one is enough to see incredible transformation in your life!)

You are committed to living your ultimate potential in this life 

  • You are an advanced soul with a mission and purpose to help usher in the new paradigm

  • You are ready to step more fully into sharing your gifts with the world.

  • You are ready for bigger impact and greater results for you AND your clients.

  • You are business owner, creator, entrepreneur ready to expand for greater fulfillment and success. 

  • You’re a coach, healer, practitioner and it would serve you to have better energy hygiene and boundaries to protect yourself and other clients in group container

  • You’re a teacher, facilitator or guide for others and you’d like to refine & enhance your methodologies and add (my) advanced teachings to your repertoire 

  • You are a consultant or freelancer and would like to use the power of energy strategy and manifestation to magnetize in more clients 

  • You are ready to show up with more confidence to grow your business so that your work is better recognized and received by soul aligned clients.

  • You are ready for greater prosperity and cash flow, to work smarter, not harder, using energy strategy.

  • You are here to co-create your life, love and business in a soul aligned way that works FOR YOU.

  • You are aware that sharing yourself and your gifts with the world in a soul aligned way is actually an inside job.

  • You are devoted to BOTH your professional AND personal development.

  • You know an energy upgrade will serve you (or you may not be aware of this option) for greater fulfillment, embodiment, success and pleasure.

  • You’d like to even more develop your intuition, connect to your divine support team and incarnate more of your soul / divine essence to enhance your performance.

  • You are ready for more ease and grace with everything you do and create in ALL aspects of life.

Then yes, this will totally upgrade you, your life & your business✨

Whether your work is in the muggle/3D or the spiritual/5D world this will serve you.

Our work together supports you in your personal AND professional development via energy strategy, healing & spirituality.

Your ultimate success in love, life & business is an inside job!

To truly live your ultimate potential, your healing & transformational work continues for your whole life.

Having me as one of your mentors provides you with the intuitive + psychic insight to see your highest timeline + blind spots so that you make the most soul aligned decisions for the expansion of your business & the creation of your ultimate life.

I also provide you with the healings to clear and integrate what’s keeping you where you’re at, instead of where you’d like to be.

With the energy upgrades & activations you will receive the crystal clear clarity, energy & inspiration to take swift action in alignment with your goals & desires now.

My upcoming year-long group mentorship is an all in one type of experience & includes everything to support your next level becoming in every aspect of life.

The methods + modalities I share with you are so transformational & life-changing that this is also a training + certification if you wish to share what you learn with others (most clients do) and/or incorporate it into your work as applies.

But the greatest treasure of this year-long mentorship is the upgrade into your highest potential you will go through.

Because on the other side, you will be even more confident, radiant, healthy, vibrant, inspired, activated, energized & magnetic.

You become the you who knows exactly what you want, knows exactly what to do, & actually does it swiftly with ease and grace.

You know what you’re destined for, and what I will guide you through has been proven time and time again (through the testimonials of myself + my clients over the past 12 years) to be the “how to” realize everything you desire in love, life and business, and even beyond what you can imagine now.

This work is committed & devoted to the greatest becoming of humanity, which ripples out to elevate your life & all those you encounter.

And because this is for both for personal AND professional development, I’ve even had corporate clients with mainstream businesses go through this work and experience a 10x in results, fulfillment and income.

Receive healing and transformation and activate even more of your capacity to support others in their healing and transformational journey

Expand your capacity to be a coach, consultant and guide for others with more confidence

Become a better speaker and leader to support your professional development

Clients have had incredible results from:

  • 10x income from 80K to 800K

  • went from shared office space to opening several offices around the country

  • created a healing/coaching side business on top of all the other offices

  • almost doubled her salary in the corporate world

  • departed from her 9-5 to create her own business

  • revolutionized traditional therapy models to incorporate everything she learned from the mentorship to skyrocket client/patient results

FYI: Most of these results were not goals they set when they signed up to work me - the expansion came THROUGH the process

The mentorship is also a personal development space to enhance every aspect of your life.

They also enhanced their love & family relationships, upped the self love, took so much better care of themselves, felt more fulfilled and even started new hobbies to enjoy life more!

It’s also a mastermind & coaching space where we are all in a chat space together for you to ask questions, celebrate your successes + receive support on day to day happenings in love, life, health & business.

You do SO much!

And you don’t have to alone. Nor should you if I’m honest.

You deserve to be held in supportive space receiving energy support as you rise into receiving all of your goals & desires !

I am SO thrilled for our journey together and for all of the energy, life and business upgrades you will receive through this year-long transformation,

You’re about to skyrocket your presence, embodiment, results, success, pleasure and fulfillment in EVERY aspect of your life.

And the best part is there are SO many bonuses for you to access that you begin the journey as soon as you sign up!

begin today!

See client testimonials here:

includes in-person, semi-private retreat in ibiza - Date tBD by your schedule
(if you cannot attend there is a virtual option)

We do the deep work and we have fun too! I invite you into my waterfront home & we spend three days together all in the space of:

  • healing

  • transformation

  • upgrades

  • rituals

  • Light language activation

  • Energy healing activation

  • continued transmission of the modalities you’ve been receiving online in our weekly sessions

  • practicums for you to receive feedback, feel confident & know that you’re doing it “right”

If the shamanic aspect of my work interests you such as working with the elements, rituals and various plant allies for your healing and ascension, this is also included in the mentorship and I will guide a ceremony with both Rose and Blue Lotus online and at our in person retreat.

Remember, the mentorship is NOT only for you to receive modalities to evolve & up-level yourself and others into your highest superhuman potential so that you can expand your capacity for more goodness, it’s also a space for professional development regardless of your work.

Details & What’s included:

  • This is first and foremost a year-long healing, transformation, energy upgrade and expansion journey both personally and professionally regardless of your vocation.

  • This is a year long group mentorship program where you go through an energetic upgrade and transformation in your embodiment, leadership, manifestation and facilitator skill.

  • There is an organized curriculum. All of my healing modalities and practices will be transmitted to you so that by the end you feel even more confident, comfortable, safe as a practitioner. 

  • For seasoned practitioners or those of you already on your spiritual path, this will be next level refinement, and there will still be new modalities and practices you will learn to enhance your practice.

  • Activation into light language (which is an excellent personal healing modality too!)

  • Activation into the energy healing modality I use with clients and personally downloaded from source

  • Introduction into principles of quantum healing and intuitive medicine 

  • There’s an in person retreat where we go through all the rituals and I personally activate you into the light language and energy work 

  • There’s also a virtual rose plant medicine ceremony and an in person one during the retreat

  • There is are business creation and expansion mpdules module so that you have support with starting/growing your own business on how to incorporate everything you have learned into your career/business life (even if your work is more mainstrain and not spiritual in nature)

  • We meet weekly where every week is different type of session from teaching sessions and Q&A to rituals and practicums where you practice the new skills and modalities with each other under my observation and guidance throughout the year.

  • For those who wish to share my teachings and the transformation you go through with others, you also become certified to use my content and teachings in your work and/or with your clients/loved one - you just simply rebrand it and share it in your unique way.

  • You receive a Starr Leadership, Facilitator, Teacher & Coach Certification 

BOnuses - lifetime access to all codes & Courses:


  • There is a group call per week that includes teaching, healing, activation, embodiment and energy work, practicums + Q&A hour for personalized coaching or healing based on your shares / questions

  • Our community space is managed via an app for content, connection and communication between sessions

  • There is a group chat space inside the app for daily connection, questions and support between calls

  • Sessions will be recorded for replay at your convenience


  • Price is via sliding scale where you choose your monthly payment plan between €1111-2555 monthly x 12 installments

  • 6 and 12 month 1:1 containers also include this mentorship program as a bonus when you sign-up before April 1

  • For the full price, there is an option to pay in full to receive 2 months free + a bonus personal retreat.

  • Since this 4th round is even more upgraded and enhanced because of my continued evolution and ascension, there’s also a special price for Alumni who wish to return for a refresher

  • For payment options contact team Dr Nikki Starr @drnikkistarr on Instagram or via email nikkistarr @ drnikkistarr .com

Register today by contacting dr nikki starr on instagram or via email

I am so excited for our journey together!